Long Term Heart Conditions

If you suffer with a long term heart condition such as heart failure, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease or atrial fibrillation you will be invited once a year on your birthday month to book an appointment with the treatment room nurses.  They will perform various investigations including bloods tests, blood pressure and weight.  At the end of this appointment you will be offered an appointment with the practice nurse or pharmacist.

The appointment with the practice nurse or pharmacist is 20 minutes long but if you suffer with other long term conditions we may offer you a longer appointment. At this appointment the practice nurse or pharmacist may adjust your medication or refer you for further treatment if necessary.

It is important that you attend these appointments so that we can make sure we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk of your condition progressing. We also want to help you minimise side effects from your condition.

While we review your condition once a year, if at any point you are struggling with symptoms please book into see us as soon as possible.

For further information about these conditions please visit the following links:

Atrial fibrillation

Coronary heart disease

High blood pressure 

Heart failure

Checking your blood pressure