Travel Clinic

As you will be aware, GP surgeries are working under increasing pressure, and are having to prioritise the services they can provide. We are able to offer NHS travel vaccinations only in Lawrence Hill Health Centre.

The following vaccinations are commonly required for many holiday destinations, and are free of charge on the NHS:

  • Hepatitis A – if you have had two vaccinations, you are covered for 25 years (from the 2nd dose)
  • Diphtheria, tetanus & polio – booster required every 10 years (for travel purposes only)
  • Typhoid – booster required every 3 years (for travel purposes only)

It is important that all travellers are up to date with routine immunisations according to UK immunisation schedule

These vaccinations can be administered by a nurse at Lawrence Hill Health Centre. Please contact reception to make an appointment, preferably 6-8 weeks before you travel.  Please bring with you the dates and names of any previous vaccinations given; dates of current travel and where you are travelling.

Travel Assessment

The NHS has a very comprehensive website, giving the information you need to identify any vaccines advised for trips abroad, and ensure that you stay as healthy as possible. This can be found at You are encouraged to go on this website to ascertain which vaccinations and, if relevant, anti-malaria tablets you need, and also to inform you of recommended safe travel precautions. Advice is also given about visas and health insurance.

We strongly advise you to check your requirements at least three months before travel, as sometimes a course of up to three vaccinations needs to be given over the course of several weeks.

Other vaccinations may be necessary for more exotic or unusual destinations, complex travel itineraries, or long stay vacations. These need to be given at a high street travel clinic (eg, Nomad, Masta or Sta Travel). There will be a charge for these.

Malaria Prevention

If anti-malaria tablets are advised for your destination, there will be a link to ‘malaria map’ in which will show the details of the risk for your destination. The site will also indicate which anti-malaria tablets are effective in that region.

If proguanil and/or chloroquine are advised, these can be bought over the counter at a pharmacy.

If Atovaquone/proguanil (Malarone) or doxycycline or mefloquine (Lariam) are recommended, read through the information carefully, and go to a high street travel clinic to buy your supply.

These need to be started before entering a malaria area, continued during the trip, & for a period of time after leaving, so you need plan ahead. We also advise you to take your itinerary and dates with you to work out how many you need to buy.

Details of local high street travel clinics are below but please note that this information does not constitute a recommendation.

Further Travel Information

The following websites will give you additional travel advice

Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS

MASTA for private vaccination clinics for specific country travel advice

EHIC to apply for your free European Health Insurance Card